Online Tests for Internet technology and web designing

Internet technology and web designing

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  • 1. Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the "OMR" answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein.

    Q - 1.1 . Which out of the following gives the equivalence between VRML and the HTML?

    Q - 1.2 . Host differs from desktop computers in that they can handle:

    Q - 1.3 . VB Script can perform:

    Q - 1.4 . A typical Web connection contains:

    Q - 1.5 . What do you need to put your Web pages on the WWW?

    Q - 1.6 . The method of transferring files with roots in Unix is

    Q - 1.7 . The key difference between VRML 1.0 and 2.0 is:

    Q - 1.8 . The attribute of FRAGMENT elements are

    Q - 1.9 . What does FTP stand for?

    Q - 1.10 . Voice mail, E-mail, Online services, the Internet and the WWW are all examples of

    2. Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the "OMR" answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein.

    Q - 2.1 . In a ring topology, any node can communicate with any other node directly.

    Q - 2.2 . A datagram is an independent, self-contained message sent over the network whose arrival time and contents are not guaranteed.

    Q - 2.3 . A Web browser is also referred to as a Web client.

    Q - 2.4 . JavaScript Interpreter processes the commands in a script written in JavaScript.

    Q - 2.5 . In HTTP, by identifying the type of object in a header field, the client receiving the object can handle it appropriately.

    Q - 2.6 . The power of hypertext is its simplicity and transparency.

    Q - 2.7 . In Web site designing you should make the title catchy, descriptive and accurate.

    Q - 2.8 . Using an image map, you can create a graphic image with multiple hot spots.

    Q - 2.9 . Java is not suitable for Internet.

    Q - 2.10 . WAN is based on ethernet.

    3. Match words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning/ word(s)/phrase(s) in column Y. Enter your selection in the "OMR" answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein

    Question Select Answer
    3.1 A site, or directory, that contains the same information as another site
    3.2 Web forms
    3.3 A security attack in which someone inseide a company is tricked into running a computer program that sends information from the person's computer to outsider
    3.4 Fast Ethernet
    3.5 Good Firewall
    3.6 INBOX
    3.7 Alta Vista
    3.8 A word that is underlined on a web page is usually
    3.9 The Internet protocol
    3.10 Placeholders for saving web addresses, or URLs.

    4. Each statement below has a blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrase(s) in the list below. Enter your choice in the "OMR" answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein.

    Question Select Answer
    4.1 The _______ tag is used for bulleted, unordered list.
    4.2 One special kind of link that makes it easier for people visiting the Web site to send you e-mail is called a ________ link.
    4.3 _________ and _________ takes commas-separated list of values.
    4.4 Full form of IP is _______
    4.5 _______ was originally developed by Netscape Navigator.
    4.6 For a small Web site, one needs to buy space from the _________.
    4.7 A local area network technology that uses fiber optics to interconnect station in a ring topology is ________.
    4.8 _______ tools help users to find a set of pages that contain information related to a given topic.
    4.9 HTML commands surrounded by < and > are called_______
    4.10 _______ delivers communications from a large group of people right to your mailbox?